Finance and Banking

Financial strategy consulting

Appraise and develop a financial plan to determine capital needs, manage cash flow with the aim of maximizing shareholder benefits.

  • Comprehensive survey and report on assessing the current state of the company's cash flow balance
  • Outline restructuring orientations on the basis of current status and goals of the business
  • Develop implementation plans and evaluate each option
  • Develop action plans and assist in putting into practice

Consulting on bank credit options

Surveying needs and advising customers to establish credit options to mobilize bank capital for the purposes of project financing, medium and long-term credit limits for machinery procurement/factory construction, and  short-term credit line for for working capital

  • Consulting on financial options, financial products and services suitable for the company
  • Prepare feasibility report, business plan and necessary documents for bank loan
  • Assist in the evaluation and negotiation of credit contract terms

M&A Consulting

  • Assist in the preparation of reports to assess needs, connect potential customers, and evaluate/valuation of target companies
  • Develop a M&A plan and provide a list and preliminary information of target companies
  • Prepare reports for in-depth analysis of target businesses
  • Connection and specific advising on transaction structure
  • Consulting in the process of performing the transaction and assisting in the negotiation of the purchase price
  • Post-transaction consulting on finance and business operation.